Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Few Special Days

We have been busy in Kindergarten with different special days! We had silly sock day, teddy bear day and Red day. Next Friday will be Blue day! Ask your sweetie to sing the "red song" is precious!

2x2 Reading

We have enjoyed the past two Fridays with parents coming to read to our students! The students love it and enjoy books so much! I love how much they love being read to:) We will have 2x2 reading throughout the year on Friday mornings at 8:30. Please come if you can!

Math Fun in Kindergarten

Our students are busy with math all throughout our day! We had the Queen of Tens visit on the 10th day of school and she will be back tomorrow for the 20th!

We are also learning math through fun at out math tubs! These students love playing games with math and learning while doing it:)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The GIngerbread Man....Loose in the School!

On Friday, we had a visitor...I am sure you have heard by now! The cafeteria ladies were so sweet to make us gingerbread cookies but then when we went to pick them up, we found out that the gingerbread man had ran away! Not only that, he ran through the school leaving messes and created a ruckus! Finally, he was caught by Mrs. Barker and had to go to her office all because he was running in the halls! Good thing that my kinder sweeties know better than that:) But apparently, the Gingerbread man felt so bad about his mess that he left my students an entire pan of cookies!

Math Fun! Working on the #2

This past week we had so much fun learning how to write the number 2! We used play dough, white boards, chalkboards, IPADS and even shaving cream! We had a blast!